Why I should care about online tracking?

“I like to know why I should care about website tracking. Anyone? What’s so bad about it? In what way does it harm me? Has it harmed others in the past? If so, how? I’m seeing so many people scared shitless about “tracking”… I must be missing something..?

Well many people don’t care about this. To find the answer, you can first start watching these videos on Youtube.

  1. Google, Facebook, Amazon – The rise of the mega-corporations
  2. The Greatest Hack – Documentary
  3. The Social Dilemma – Netflix Documentary
  4. The Internet’s Own Boy
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gSU_Xes3GQ
  6. Data Brokers
  7. Is Big Tech Harming Our Planet? 
  8. How Facebook Tracks Your Data
  9. Is India building up a big data surveillance apparatus? 
  10. United States of Secrets, Part OnePart Two
  11. This is how your Data is sold
  12. The ‘Sinister’ Dangers Of Companies Collecting Our Data
  13. Amazon, Jeff Bezos and collecting data


Privacy is a human right inherent to all of us, that we are entitled to without discrimination.

You shouldn’t confuse privacy with secrecy. We know what happens in the bathroom, but you still close the door. That’s because you want privacy, not secrecy. Everyone has something to hide, privacy is something that makes you human.

What should I do?

First, you need to make a plan.

Trying to protect all your data from everyone all the time is impractical, expensive, and exhausting. But, don’t worry! Security is a process, and by thinking ahead you can put together a plan that’s right for you. Security isn’t just about the tools you use or the software you download. Rather, it begins with understanding the unique threats you face, and how you can counter them.

This process of identifying threats and defining countermeasures is called threat modeling, and it forms the basis of every good security and privacy plan.

Learn about “Threat Modeling” here.


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