কিভাবে আপনার নিজের ফ্রী ভিপিএন সার্ভার বানাবেন – Trojan GFW Tutorial in Bangla

In this video I will show you how you can create your own TROJAN GFW Proxy Server. It is fast and very secured. You can find more about the project from here – https://github.com/trojan-gfw/trojan

Before installing, make sure you have these:

1) Please use a VPS with more than 0.5 GB RAM and at least 5GB FREE DISK SPACE.
Recommended VPS: Option 1 – https://m.do.co/c/23acd65e8cc4
2) A domain – get from namecheap.com
3) Cloudflare Account – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMOHrC9ETSg
4) Trojan Protocol link along with VPS toolbox – https://github.com/johnrosen1/vpstoolbox
5) Trojan QT5 Client for Windows – https://bit.ly/2BR7nXD (Password – xenstar.co)
6) Igniter APP for Android – https://bit.ly/3ictLKH & Shadowrocket for iPhone users.

Codes to put in Console or copy-paste from vpstoolbox page:

apt-get update && apt-get install sudo curl -y && curl -Ss https://raw.githubusercontent.com/johnrosen1/vpstoolbox/master/vps.sh | sudo bash

If you have any questions or queries, you can ask on my Telegram Group – https://t.me/xenstarco

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